Monday, January 15, 2018

July 2017 Family Photos

I decided against taking the 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12 month photos like I did with Lucy. Because really 3 and 9 month photos aren't that big of a deal and this time around I have two kiddos, a full time teaching job, I am a full time student, and a myriad of other roles/expectations that I have to fulfill. I have also found that it is so much easier to get other people to take and edit our family photos. When we lived in Hueytown, my best friend took photos for us all the time. But now it isn't easy to get her down like we used to. And I still had to go through and edit them! So, we've decided to make things a little easier for us. So, without further explanation or complicated run-on sentences, I present you with our photos! Jack 6 months and Lucy 4 years.

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